Good News!DOING export one set waste oil to diesel machine to Pakistan

Company News / Chat online / Give me a price / January 22, 2015

At the begining of 2015 ,DOING export one set waste oil to diesel machine to Pakistan. Serveral days ago, One set of waste oil to diesel machine transported to Pakistan. This customer bought our tyre pyrolysis to oil machine last year, and this time, he decide to refining tyre oil to clean diesel, so, this time he boutht one 5ton waste oil to diesel machine from us.
waste oil to diesel machine
Demo machine of waste oil to diesel machine in factory

Ps: Tyre oil distillation machine is apply to refining waste oil, like waste engine oil, tyre oil,plastic oil,motor oil etc to clean Diesel. This kind of diesel can be directly using to tractors, trucks, power generators etc. Oil recovery yield is about 85% ( according to oil quality).
waste oil to diesel machine
waste oil to diesel machine transport to Pakistan 1
waste oil to diesel machine
waste oil to diesel machine transport to Pakistan 2

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